reset Canon TS5000 error 5B00 Waste Ink Counter
作者:管理员    发布于:2019-07-25 10:53:14    文字:【】【】【

Canon TS5000 problem code 5B00 mean the waste ink counter overflow, 
you should be reset Canon G3010 Waste Ink Counter (clear Waste Counters). 
The printer will blink as follow: Orange light – 7 times. Alternatively Green (Power) and Orange.

Zheng gong allows you to repair the printer without leaving your home, 
so as to avoid the delay of work and production due to machine failure.

Canon to turn on the printing options → maintenance → 
check the printer status

The collector is full or prompted 5B00 or 5B01, 5b02, 5b03, 1700, 1702 or P07, E08


What is Canon 5B00 error, how to fix this problem?
About Canon 5B00 error
Your own Canon printer’s ink cartridges have more and more ink spills, because ink cartridge is proper and ink system also installs continuously, this is regular 5B00 problem message appearing on your own Canon printer.

As you know that Canon printer is one of the best printer on the market, it adopts the continuous Ink System on several models. They have some basic problems and today we are going to talk about this and show you how to eliminate them to save money and time.

Not only cost saving but it is also efficient for you when installing a continuous Ink System. Sometimes, this system has some disadvantages like this : regularly, the cartridge is made to printer 200 pages, the Continuous Ink System ‘ll make the printer overdo this number.

In addition, the CISS can sometimes cause an ink spill in the printer, the printing pads will be filled up and create the 5B00 Error code. Now we will give you the ways to solve this error and go on using the printer.

Possible solutions to this problems:

You need to be patient and read a lot these solutions.

You can contact us by leaving a comment or we will be glad to guide you as soon as possible if you need help following the step below.



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